Plain language. The long introduction with fancy SAT words might work in college, but it’s not. Plain language

 The long introduction with fancy SAT words might work in college, but it’s notPlain language  Consequences of erudite vernacular utilized

A Plain Language Summary is an incredibly effective science communication tool that allows researchers to reach a wider audience by summarizing their work in terms that are accessible to people outside of a specific scientific circle. Cost. You should format your letter like the one shown in the guidebook. Here are five of my agency’s most common arguments for not writing in plain language: I got an A on these kinds of papers in graduate school. plain talk. As a communication strategy, it can save time, money, and effort. When people understand messages quickly and fully, there will usually be less confusion, less need for re-explanation, and fewer mistakes. Lists highlight a series of steps, requirements, or pieces of information in a visually clear way. What federal law requires of us We must use plain language so you can understand: Our benefits and services and how to get them How to file taxes when you receive our benefits or services How to comply with our. Letters and notices. Plain Language saves money, increases efficiency, and reduces the need for clarification. Audience and purpose. Learn how to apply plain language principles and best practices to your VA website content, and find resources and tools to help you write for your audience. Because they use short sentences and common words, plain-language documents allow every member of the audience to understand the piece in a single read. View the Jargon Madness slides (PowerPoint presentation, 1. It is also called plain English or plain writing. This book is as helpful as it is entertaining. Follow established web-writing guidelines to maximize readability. Abstract. Write in the active voice. 6 . Additionally, Guiding Principles recommends the use of plain language principles along with the use of health equity concepts and the language necessary to accurately and equitably represent all people. “Shall” has three strikes against it. Plain language means readers understand your documents more quickly. It saves people and government time and money and improves the accessibility of your content. The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. Plain Language Tips & Examples Plain language helps readers quickly and easily understand your message. Plain Language Act 2022 — New Zealand Legislation. Today, it has given way to active, clear, concise writing, sometimes known as “plain English” (Bailey, 2008). A discipline that might eventually become known as ‘plain language studies’ is beginning to emerge through the collaboration of individual plain language proponents (plainers for short). ”. 111-274) defines plain writing as: “writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field. The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. State your major point(s) first before going into details. The Plain Language Bill is a Member’s bill in the name of Rachel Boyack MP. Plain Writing and Clear Communications. You’ll also develop a sensitivity to the issues of literacy and work toward. 6 MB] Our readers are busy. We aim to bring you timely information about the work of CDC and other organizations to improve health literacy. Many SAGE journals now accept PLS and some have made them mandatory for all. Actually, plain English is typically quite interesting to read. There are millions of words in the English language. Author: Barbro Ehrenberg-Sundin. Write explanatory letters. agenda (unless you’re talking about a meeting) advancing; collaborate (use working with) combating (use working against or fighting)Plain language can be understood the first time it is read or heard. Don’t complicate things by using jargon, technical terms, or abbreviations that people won’t understand. Test your assumptions. First, I situate the development of plain legal language use by Dutch courts in the broader context of the plain language movement, relating this development to two different views of language: language as representation and language as activity (section 2). Start by researching your topic, understanding your audience, and planning and organizing how you will present your information. We believe that using plain language saves federal agencies time and money and provides better service to the American public. The bill would create plain language requirements including:Tuesday, October 27, 2020 10:00 AM – 4:15 PM ET. PLAIN has been connecting plain language people for 30 years now. According to the government's Plain Language. 1. When people understand messages quickly and fully, there will usually be less confusion, less need for re-explanation, and fewer mistakes. Making information less complex and more concise How we knew we needed a plain language program In 2010, most of our day-to-day communications with county residents were lengthy, overly complex, The Center for Plain Language is a 501 (c) (3), non-profit. S. ”A clear, simple summary written in plain language helps people to understand complex health evidence. It makes writing easy to read for more people. Identify their top tasks. We believe that using plain language saves federal agencies time and money and provides better service to the American public. We must use plain language in any document that. Her hand shakes so she does not do sign language. PLAIN offers free consultation to federal agencies on how to start an internal agency plain language program. ” Writing in plain. PLS concisely summarize technical content in simple, jargon-free language for ease of reading and improved understanding. WHAT IS PLAIN LANGUAGE? Plain language (also known as plain English) is a way of writing or presenting information so that readers can understand it quickly and easily. The legal community is moving to a strong preference for “must” as the clearest way to express a requirement or obligation. Bush’s former Secretary of Health and Human Services, has this to say about plain language and the federal plain language group. adult reads at an eight-grade level, which makes. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 requires federal agencies to train staff to use plain language when they communicate with. Avoid PDF overload. This definition of plain language is ‘reader-based’ and not [a] ‘text-based’ analysis of a writing style. The story so far: New Zealand passed the Plain Language Act on Wednesday, which will require the country’s officials to use simple, easily understood English language in official documents and. 10 Tips to Write in Plain Language. As an author, you should. There are a variety of books, articles, videos, and journals that provide different perspectives on the value of plain language in areas as diverse as science, government regulation, and law. For example, “Please make an application for a personal loan” is longer and less clear than “Please apply for a personal loan. If your preceding paragraph describes the process of strip mining, and your next paragraph begins with “this process causes…,” the word this makes a clear connection between paragraphs. Top 10 Principles for Plain Language. Language allows us to communicate our ideas and thoughts. Before you even begin the writing process, take a step back and make sure you’re aware of what message. Whether you call such writing the opposite of gobbledygook or legalese, or just sloppy work, you know. Writing in Plain Language. Even with regulations and the limits of publishing in the Code of Federal Regulations, you can use design elements to help users read and understand the information. Resources. Plain language has been around in the government for over 40 years. It means you are communicating your important and complex ideas. complete group discussion assignments (usually due Tuesdays and Fridays) spend about 2 hours per week on coursework. It means you are communicating your important and complex ideas. Direct, accessible language is often called plain language. The plain language summaries for completed projects have an average reading level of 8. 15, to require state agencies to adopt a plain language policy to ensure that information is easy to understand and. has useful headings. In 2008, the two main international umbrella organizations (Clarity and PLAIN) and the Center for Plain Language in the United States set up a. Plain language helps you better understand your audience and how your audience uses the content you create. Plain Language. Established by the Secretary of Homeland Security, NIMS only requires plain language for mutual aid scenarios, though it strongly encourages the use of plain language during day-to-Plain language is specifically relevant in stories that are about disability or intellectual disability, but I think that it should happen in other stories too because people with intellectual disabilities have interests in things that aren’t just disabilities. Think through the questions your users likely have and then organize the material in a logical order. Plain language summaries are designed to be readily understood by anyone who is interested in the content of peer-reviewed research articles, be they specialists or non-specialists Citation 5, Citation 6. And you were writing for a professor as your only reader. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) through Digital. This three-hour online workshop by the Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) through Digital. Stick to your topic. The plain language Community of Practice is a network of communications professionals that work to help public servants communicate in plain language to their audience. Established by the Secretary of Homeland Security, NIMS only requires plain language for mutual aid scenarios, though it strongly encourages the use of plain language during day-to-Plain language legal writing refers to legal writing that is well thought-out, well organized, and understandable to the client without interpretation: the language is clear, the legal concepts are explained and the technical terms are defined. 2020-2021 Access for All: Plain Language is a Civil Right. reading level or below. “Mike’s talking about a two-step approach with some good language attached to the CR,” Jordan said. uses “you” and other pronouns to speak to the reader. [1] The Act applies to public service agencies and Crown agents. Plain language is useful for everyone, and crucial for users with language barriers and cognitive challenges. (Active)National Archives staff are continually informed about plain writing through internal newsletter articles, an internal web page, and blog posts on plain writing. That doesn’t mean that you should put your letter in passive voice. gov and the Plain Language Community of Practice. gov and the Plain Language Community of Practice. Develop a strong plan that is also flexible. The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. The Plain Language Act aims to make democracy more inclusive, especially for people with disabilities and those with lower levels of education. Before and after plain language examples demonstrate how scientific documents can be translated into plain language. As a federal website, the content is in the public domain. They are emerging as a valuable addition to scientific publications because they have the potential to increase the understanding of scientific data, by making complex information more accessible to wider. It is not baby talk, nor is it a simplified version of the English language. While the Act does not cover regulations, three separate Executive Orders emphasize the need for plain language: E. To provide an opportunity for public feedback, we created the CMS Plain Language . Plain language summaries (PLS) are typically short synopses of peer-reviewed journal publications that simplify the complex. He includes the following words in. The Plain Language community is a group of government employees and contractors dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communications from government. Every organization has long-term employees who’ve worked in government for decades. The material available about plain language is. You can also use the toggle on the top right to switch everything to. Plain Language &. Law and requirements. It not only gives still-very-relevant lessons on why plain. Plain and simple. Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and. What stuff it all is!Help your readers quickly find what they need with these web writing tips: Less is more! Be concise. The Center supports those who use plain language, trains those who should use plain language, and urges people to demand plain language in all the communications they. Rather, by choosing straightforward vocabulary and sentence structures and by organizing and presenting your material. This website consists of five sections and a checklist you can print. But as these pages discuss, we still have a long. For example, the phrase “people who are incarcerated” is wordier but more representative and equitable than the term “inmates. Plain language is not unprofessional writing or a method of "dumbing down" or "talking down" to the reader. Speakers address debunking myths, meeting varying audience’s needs,. You can see it in action right here! plain language. Plain English is clear, straightforward expression, using only as many words as are necessary. What is plain language? Plain language (also called plain writing or plain English) is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. Be prepared to educate and learn along the way. A Plain Language Summary (also referred to as a lay summary in some subject areas) communicates the significance of scholarly and scientific research evidence to wide audiences in clear, jargon-free language. ”. They comply more accurately and quickly with requirements. Using plain language doesn’t mean everyone’s writing must sound the same. Although plain language is a familiar idea, many organizations don’t use it as often as they should. Plain language (also called plain writing or plain English) is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. Plain language (also called plain writing or plain English) is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. 3. Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services Plain language is grammatically correct language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word usage. We hope you enjoy this post. gov. (If you don’t see your agency’s program listed here, contact us so we can include it. What are Plain Language Summaries (PLS)? PLS sit after the academic abstract. Language that is plain to one set of readers may not be plain to others. S. (a) the document is in English (but see subsection (3) and section 15 ); and. L. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communication from government. Since legalese takes longer to draft, read, and understand, it often falls short of the drafter’s primary goal of precision. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communication from government. Your table of contents should be a reliable roadmap that users can follow to quickly find what they need. org and in the Cochrane Library in a range of languages. Plain Language Materials & Resources. Rule begins with a useful overview that orients the reader to this complex but well-organized material. O. (b) the agency considers that the intended audience for the document is the public generally (rather than 1 or more. Legal language is a major source of annoying jargon. You can help us to meet our plain language goals by letting us know when we fall short. Plain language works with. During the 1970s, some practitioners began to employ usability testing. Train-the-trainer bootcamp. means you are communicating with your audience in a way . The Working Group appointed 3 luminaries and stalwarts. Hold informal trainings such as brown bag lunches, one-on-one conversations, and phone calls. But in the process, he wasted at least 30 minutes of two senior executives’ time, not to mention subordinates’ and a consultant’s time. (If you don’t see your agency’s program listed here, contact us so we can include it. As an editor of technical, statistical reports, I see authors making a number of mistakes in approach, execution and English. Plain language is grammatically correct and universally understood language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word usage. Plain language is writing designed to be easily understood by all readers the first time it is read. Plain language means readers understand your documents more quickly. In fact, legalese makes lawyers’ writings so incomprehensible that the US Congress regularly introduces ‘plain language’ Bills to regulate them. choices at a 6th grade. Through numerous exercises as well as examples from a variety of federal and state. Plain language is a clear way of sharing information that people can understand the first time they read or hear it. The ability to communicate and explain research in plain language is a critical skill. Historical Quotes. Cochrane Plain language summaries are freely available on cochrane. Split topics up into logical sections separated by informative. both plain language and coded language in the same transmission, causing confusion. I do think there’s an obligation to recognize that if your goal is to inform the. The Act was signed in October 2010, but some federal agencies have been promoting the use of plain language for years. This incident shows what an unnecessary time-waster non-plain language can be. This book shows you how to write for customers and clients in language that's easy to understand. Plain Language in Plain English. They comply more accurately and quickly with requirements. People with language impairments often have a reduced vocabulary and learning new terms is a very slow difficult process. Plain language summaries (PLS) are summaries of scientific articles and congress abstracts written in easy-to-read, non-technical language . This Plain Language Thesaurus has been put together by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Marketing. This blog post is the first in a series of three—Plain Language Past and Present—that will showcase early efforts, including Gobbledygook Has Gotta Go, a 1996 pioneering book by Bureau of Land Management employee John O’Hayre. Long, flowing sentences and the passive voice can occasionally be useful, but they shouldn’t have a large presence in your content. Plain language is one element of clear communication. They concluded that the organization did not have a true process or standard for communication, and as a result implemented plain language as the standard. It is. Language. Readers call less often for explanations. Testing your content should be an integral part of your writing and planning process—not just something you just do after the fact. We first developed this document in the mid-90s. Plain Language Day is celebrated on 13 October each year. [4] Plain writing, as defined by the PWA, is “writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience. Plain language is designed to communicate information as clearly as possible so it can reach as many people as possible. As a federal website, the content is in the public domain. That makes their writing ambiguous. (If you’re writing for the web, here’s the web checklist . We’re accustomed to thinking and speaking positively. Longer papers are assessed an excess length fee. Accusatory use of you. The bigger the block of text, the harder it is to read. Write to the reader, using the pronoun “you” as much as possible. We provide a free half-day introduction to plain language to federal agencies. Plain language is grammatically correct language that includes complete sentence structure and accurate word usage. Write in active voice. The audiences include, but are not limited to, practitioners, policy makers, the public, and/or professionals in nearby disciplines. People are more likely to trust and act on information they understand. Here are 10 simple ways, with examples, to be plain. Mysterious in form and expression, it is larded with law-Latin and Norman-French, heavily dependent on the past, and unashamedly archaic. government agencies are required to communicate in plain language. Words matter. The plain language definition states, at its core, that plain language is easily and quickly understandable. ) places. Today, it has given way to active, clear, concise writing, sometimes known as “plain English” (Bailey, 2008). Antiquated words flourish words such as herein, therein,Plain language is a necessity and can have a big payoff for both consumers and organizations. They make fewer errors filling out forms. Don’t use slashes. It offers. Please feel free to use these terms in place of medical jargon, wherever you feel they might be better understood. The American Bar Association passed this resolution advising federal agencies to write regulations in plain language. Using plain language can advance health literacy, build trust in your organization as a source of information, and promote overall community health. Simple words help you express your message clearly. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communication from government. In Conclusion. President Clinton was an advocate and signed two executive orders and issued a Memorandum on Plain Language in Government Writing. Plain language is writing that the intended audience can understand and act upon the first time they read it. ”. Plain language (also called plain writing or plain English) is communication your audience can understand the first time they read or hear it. ” A plain language summary (PLS) summarizes a scientific study and its results to help people without scientific expertise, or from another. This guidance sets out the steps agencies should take to comply with the Plain Language Act 2022. These new website pages apply the task-focused approach and Plain Writing guidelines to encourage skimming, scanning, and selecting. . You may use any of the content on this site without explicit permission. to explain the importance of the Plain Writing Act and outline CMS’ commitment to full compliance with the Act. Introduction. 5. Right of use means any authorization issued under this part that allows use of Outer Continental Shelf lands. You may use any of the content on this site without explicit permission. Plain language begins long before you put pen to paper—or keystroke to keyboard. Plain language begins long before you put pen to paper — or keystroke to keyboard. By the mid-1980s, there was a widespread sense that plain-language advocates. Gains Momentum: 1940-2015,” Karen Schriver outlines the following: “Between 1940 and 1970, plain language focused mainly on readability. Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience. It looks as if the proposed law will become effective later this month. Checklist for Plain Language. gov for more guidance on using plain language. Additional plain language history is covered in Plain Language in the U. Writing for Dollars, Writing to Please, Joseph Kimble, 2012. If you have trouble understanding any documents or material on our websites, please contact PlainLanguage@hhs. By October 13 2011, we will use plain language in any new or substantially revised document that:. By using plain language, you increase the likelihood someone will understand your messaging. clear or distinct to the eye or ear. Keep the reader in mind as you make decisions about organizing and formatting your health information. In most cases, writers mean either “or” or “and. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 defines plain language as: Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience. How to Use this Guide In this guide. When you’re going to meet a friend at the airport, do you say, “If you fail to arrive by 5:00, I cannot pick you up,” or do. [2] Public service agencies have a role in informing the public about any requirements and entitlements that might apply to them. March 2011Revision 1, May 2011. It . Contact us if you have suggestions on ways to improve our documents or website. Plain language lists can help spot problem words and consider alternatives, but keep in mind that plain language is more than just a list of words to avoid—it’s a way of writing. Write in a conversational tone. Learn how they used plain language in COVID-19 agency responses, and how they combined plain language, accessibility, and user experience. Prefer a simpler word whenever you can. Provides information about any federal government benefit or service. Take train-the-trainer bootcamp through plainlanguage. The law requires federal agencies to. A challenge in writing plain language summaries is to avoid oversimplifying terms or concepts, which can lead to content that is misleading or inaccurate, or that. Find out about the Plain Writing Act, policy memos, and executive orders that require agencies to use plain language. Before FCC issued the regulation, there were five staff members answering public calls and letters with questions about the FCC’s requirements for operating ham radios. As: Use as, as if, as though, or other similar expressions as a conjunction in written documents. Its distinguishing features include the tendency toward excessively complicated grammar and overformality. In September 2019, the ISO ballot approved the proposal to develop a plain language standard ― that’s when the Working Group was established, and the real work began. 1, May 2011 i Introduction The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is a community of federal employees dedicated to the idea that citizens deserve clear communications from government. “Shall” has three strikes against it. It has become so corrupted by misuse that it has no firm meaning. Writing in plain English and legal writing have the same goal: communicating complex ideas in a digestible and manageable form. In some situations, such as when you’re writing a Congressional letter or summarizing a regulation, you’ll sound more formal. Visit plainlanguage. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 defines plain language as: Writing that is clear, concise, well-organized, and follows other best practices appropriate to the subject or field and intended audience. The following Executive Orders emphasize the need for plain language in regulations:Since 2011, the Center for Plain Language has issued a yearly report card to show how well federal agencies follow the Plain Writing Act. We must use plain language in any document that – is necessary for obtaining any federal government benefit or service or filing taxes provides information about any federal government benefit or service, or explains to the public. The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. In addition. Demand. “It’s not easily understood. § Research tells us that most readability formulas are. Magistrate Judge Allison Claire, a federal judge based in Sacramento, California, in a case called Muniz v. A word about “plain English. A common myth is that plain language is incompatible with teaching complex subjects. Jargon Madness is a plain language conversation starter that cuts across the organizational chart. Plain language is a way of writing and presenting information that is clear, concise, and easy to understand. Source: International Plain Language Federation. Choose everyday words: the shorter the word, the more likely it will be familiar to the reader. Organize your writing so it’s easy to follow along. What is plain language? Communication with clear wording, structure, and design for the intended audience to easily: – find what they need. The plain language Community of Practice is a network of communications professionals that work to help public servants communicate in plain language to their audience. Choose your words carefully. The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. Plain Language Writing Act of 2010 The purpose of the Plain Writing Act of 2010 is “to improve the effectiveness and accountability of federal agencies to the public by promoting clear government communication that the public can understand and use. Providing training to all staff in a variety of ways, including the Department of Health and Human Services Plain Language online modules, webinars, and in-person training. “And/or” is a classic example. A guide for plain language technical writing. We believe that using plain language saves federal agencies time and money and provides better service to the American public. Plain Language. (Active) The police stopped the riot. Whether or not there is a government-wide mandate to use plain language as government leaders come and go, the initiative has taken hold. Direct, accessible language is often called plain language. Principle 1: Use Active Voice. Plain Language. Plain language is a communication that is clear, simple, and easy to understand. Reports and brochures. Writing that is clear and to the point helps improve communication and takes less time to read and understand. Great if you need to explain the importance of plain language to your boss. Tommy Thompson, George W. These summaries are intended for a broad and inclusive audience that encompasses. This chapter will introduce you to the principles of plain language and allow you to practise them. Tip: Where possible, choose a simple word or phrase over a complex one. This is the 11th time the Center for Plain Language has issued a yearly Report Card evaluating how well agencies follow the Plain Writing Act. Online Plain Language Training. You know what you are trying to say – make sure the reader does, too. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has published a plain language standard: ISO 24495-1:2023 Plain language — Part 1: Governing principles and guidelines. Tuesday, August 11, 2020 2:00 PM – 5:00 PM ET. A clear,. They also didn't have a negative reaction to the simplified content. – use that information. [table striped="true" responsive="true"] Is the tone appropriate for the audience?The Plain Language Action and Information Network develops and maintains the content of this site with support from the General Services Administration. S. Find out about the Plain. Plain Language is nothing more than the using clear, familiar language that a range of people can understand. S Citizenship and Immigration Services, and Veterans Benefits Administration (to. The Plain Language Action and Information Network (PLAIN) is an unfunded working group of federal employees from different agencies and specialties who support the use of clear communication in government writing. This thesaurus offers plain language equivalents to medical terms, phrases, and references that we often use. We ask only that you credit our work by citing back to PLAIN and. The Plain Writing Act of 2010 defines plain language as: . It is important for scientists to use plain language not only to reach the public; but also to reach one another. Published: 2004. Our aim is to help make health information clear and easy to understand. Also called plain language . organized to serve the reader’s needs. Author: Londell Buckson. It should summarize your scientific study, its results, and their broader relevance without using jargon so that it is understandable by scientists from outside of your discipline, as well as science journalists. plain language movement. But plain language, which is often used interchangeably for plain English or plain writing, is not just best practice or common sense, it is also the law. Describe how writers should handle multiple audiences. (2) WEBSITE. We believe that using plain language saves federal agencies time and money and provides better service to the American public. The public can contact CMS and send comments about our plain writing efforts via the . Word choice is an important part of. The Plain Language Commission accredits public documents and websites with the Clear English Standard logo and provides training in plain language. . 4. Being direct and plainspoken is not talking down. You can help us to meet our plain language goals by letting us know when we fall short. The Office of the Federal Register provides excellent guidance on Drafting Legal Documents. Her parents think she knows some signs. We believe that using plain language saves government agencies time and money and provides better service to the American public. Plain style is reader-friendly because it's clear, concise, and precise; it uses short, action-driven sentences free of jargon to make language accessible and easy to understand. What is plain language? Plain language is simple, straightforward, and easy to understand communication. Writing in short, simple words doesn’t mean you are ‘dumbing down’ the message.